Tag Archive for Golf for Women

How To Improve Your Golf Swing With FixYourGame.com

No matter how good a golfer you are, there are times when your swing is just not working for you. It’s happened to me once too often. Everything is going along well and I’m hitting the ball with force and power, straight down the fairway, I’m breaking my own personal best score and thinking that…

A Really Bad Round of Golf – Is It A Slump Or A Bump?

I promised myself I would improve my golf game this year. In the spring, my focus was on dropping my handicap at least three or four points. Hasn’t happened yet. The season here in the northeast is not over yet and my club stays open for golf for at least another three or four months,…

The Best Golf Pre-Game Warm Up

If the pros do it, why don’t you? Guest author: Kathy Ekdahl, Personal Best Personal Training It’s amazing how few amateur golfers properly warm-up before their golf game. Recently, I golfed with 3 business acquaintances who are all much better golfers than I. For sure, I thought, these good golfers will warm-up! Nope. I was…

The 19th Hole: Doing Business On The Golf Course

The “boys” in the clubhouse have known this for years, and it’s more than time the “gurls” in business caught up! Golf is a great way to get to meet and network with new business prospects, or entertain current clients. Take a potential client out for a day of golf and you have a chance…