I just got an update on my golf handicap from GHIN (Golf Handicap Information Network) and despite all my best intentions, practice, instruction and efforts, my numbers are UP! Sigh. They (the infamous “they” who shall never be named) say that it’s not unusual for a handicap to fluctuate a bit. Everyone can go through…
Tag Archive for golf swing
Hillside Golf Shot — Saved By A Bosu!
This will be a bit of a convoluted post, but stay with me and it will all make sense. Yesterday I played in our club “off-course” challenge. (Twenty of us played a “tournament” round at Plymouth Country Club in Plymouth, Massachusetts—a challenging course with lots of blind spots and domed greens — the kind that…
The Right Way To Swing A Golf Driver For Distance and Accuracy
Every golfer with any sense will tell you that the driver, the #1 club in your bag is also the #1 club most difficult to hit well, consistently. Consistently, being the operative word. Today drivers are big, honky things at the end of a very long, light shaft. Club manufacturers are always making little tweaks…
Losing Power in Your Golf Drive? Here’s The Secret To Get The Power Back!
Every golfer wants to hit the golf ball well and far, straight down the fairway as fas as he or she can. It’s one of the great pleasures of the game to hear the sound of solid contact between your driver and the ball and watch it sail off into the distance. To make that…
How To Improve Your Golf Swing and Take 5 Shots Off Your Score Fast!
Golf Swing and Tempo are such an elusive idea… and so unique to each golfer. Every player has to find their own unique tempo. Fast, slow, in-between… if you hum you way through your golf swing, are you humming a waltz or the cha-cha-cha? It doesn’t really matter, as long as it works for you.…
How Do You Get Fit For A Golf Ball? I’m Sorry I Missed My Chance.
I needed to stop by my golf club this morning to sign in for next week’s tournament. I noticed a small crowd was gathered down on the practice range, and curious, I asked in the pro shop what was happening. The woman behind the counter said, “It’s a Ball Fitting Event.” I had never heard…