Tag Archive for Ladies Golf Tips

Swing Thoughts for A New Season

A Few Swing Thoughts for New GolfersAs spring has just arrived here in the Northeast, it’s time to dust off the golf clubs and head to the local golf range to practice your golf swing. If you have been lucky enough to spend the cold winter months in a warm climate, you probably don’t need…

How To Choose The Right Golf Course To Join

If you are just learning the game of golf, there are a few things you should know before heading out for the links. When I first began to enjoy golf and had decided it was a sport I really wanted to continue to practice and play, I began looking around for a golf course to…

Two Essentials To Consider When Buying New Golf Clubs

When should you start buying new golf clubs? Seems like an easy enough question and the answer should be pretty obvious: You buy a new golf club when you need one! But how do you know you need one? Here are two stories that illustrate the point. My friend Glenna has been playing with a…

How To Get Rid Of The Yips

Have you got the yips? You know, it’s that nasty habit some of us have — stabbing your putter at the ball causing it to bounce off the club face and go anywhere but in the hole. It happens when you’re tense or nervous or just plain out of sync with your game. It can…

The Secret To Winning At Golf

Do you really want to win at golf? Who doesn’t. Then you have to learn to putt! The secret to winning at golf is learning to putt well. It’s that simple. Sinking more putts is the fastest way to lower your golf score, lower your handicap, and win more rounds of golf. But — and…

How to Improve Your Posture For A Better Golf Turn

Here’s a quick fix to Improve Your Posture. You need good posture to get the best golf turn for distance and power! But if you work at a computer or a desk most of your work day, like I do, your posture is more than likely abysmal! I can still hear my mother telling me…