Stay Cool & Stylish!
Now that the warm summer months have come to New England golf courses, learning how to stay cool and still stay stylish while playing golf is critical! to a successful round. Recently I was sent four great looking tops from Sport Haley and was asked to review and pass on the information to my readers. I turned to the ladies in my golf league asking for volunteers to wear and review the tops. Immediately I had more volunteers than I could use and within a week, four well dressed golfers were out on the course, attired in some very attractive Sport Haley tops. The styling varied from long sleeve, short sleeve and sleeveless.
I asked each volunteer to wear, wash and then review the clothing paying particular attention to styling, fit, quality of workmanship and comfort. The women were asked to rate each of these elements on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest.
Happy to say all tops got very good reviews. Here are just a few of the comments I collected:
“I thought the fit was great for me (xl), loved the collar style and fit on armpits, and extra room on the bottom where I need it! I got a lot of compliments. Thanks for the opportunity to review this great product!”
“Top was very comfortable to wear while golfing, it washed well and was easy to care for. The size was a perfedt fit for me. The only negative was that the length of the sleeves was too long for me. I had to tuck them up almost 2 inches…”
“Loved everything about the shirt except the collar which was a little too close to my face, and the shirt was a little longer than I prefer. But top marks for workmanship and quality. Very comfortable for golf.”
Bottom Line: If you want to stay cool, and look cool on the course this summer, visit the Sport Haley website for some very stylish outfits. They are also available from, one of advertisers.