Golf Fitness – Five Easy One Minute Golf Stretches For Duffers
Guest Author: Wayne Hudler
You already know that a golf stretching routine would help your swing and improve your scores. You are aware that you need to take the time to work on your body. I’m not here to nag. I just want to help.
The difference in how well you perform on the golf course will literally amaze you. Your ability to swing effortlessly, to stay mentally alert and in the round and your physical stamina will all be enhanced by applying an easy golf fitness program.
I’ve seen such improvement in myself from a simple stretching routine I started a while back. It really all began with my friend and golfing buddy, he was the first to tell me about the benefits of such a program. Since his game improved after he began his program, I had to try it for myself.
Didn’t take long until I was swinging better than ever and the soreness I had felt in my lower back late in the round was gone. Then others in my group began to notice how much better I was hitting the ball. That really convinced me that I was on to something.
You should get started with a light golf workout program too to help your game. We recommend starting with a stretching program. This will loosen your muscles, improve your flexibility and help to prevent injuries as well.
Try these Five for Five Stretches (5 stretches for 1 minute each):
1. Chest Stretch
Standing with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, grasp your hands behind your back and lift your arms together as far as is comfortably possible. Hold for ten seconds. Five reps should do the job.
2. Back Stretch
Lie on your back and grab your legs behind the knee, carefully pull your knees up toward your chest. Stay there for ten seconds. Ten reps on this one.
3. Shoulder Stretch 1
Find a sturdy flat surface about waist height, place both hands palms down, shoulders width apart on it. Bend your knees slightly, allowing the upper body to drop down with more of your weight being supported by the hands and shoulders. Go slowly supporting only the amount of weight you are comfortable with: either drop down further to increase or remain where you are if it is enough. Ten seconds each, repeat five times.
4. Shoulder Stretch 2
Stand with your arm at your side lift your arm to shoulder height and then bring it across the front of the body. Bend elbow ninety degrees, grabbing the elbow with your opposite hand. Apply gentle tension for ten seconds and then release. Repeat this five times with each arm.
5. Arm Stretch
Begin with your feet at shoulder’s width apart. Knees bent slightly, bend forward slightly from the waist, extend left arm in front of you, right arm to rear both parallel with the floor. Hold both arms at shoulder height for the count of ten and repeat five times. Switch arm positions, repeating another five times.
Don’t delay, print this article and keep it available to use as a guide.
Invest just five minutes a day in these five golf stretches to become fit for golf. Then do a set just before your round to warm up. You will play better and enjoy golf even more.