Tag Archive for Golf for Women

The Key to Longer Golf Drives Is Not In Your Head

Want to hit longer drives? I know I do. I played a round of golf the other day with a guy who, with what seemed like no effort at all, consistently hit his drive 280+ yards straight down the middle of each fairway. In contrast, I was hitting pretty straight as well, but never more…

Three Simple Steps to Lower Your Golf Handicap

Lower Your Golf Handicap By Setting A New Goal For Yourself It’s every golfers dream to lower their golf handicap (GHIN) and play better golf. At the beginning of a new season such dreams can become a reality by taking a few practical steps towards that goal. First: Find out where you stand by reviewing…

Have A Golf Fitness Question? Our Golf Fitness Trainer Has The Answer

We want to introduce the readers of golfgurls.com to our resident golf fitness trainer, Kathy Ekdahl. She is ready to answer your golf fitness questions. Kathy Ekdahl, CSCS, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, is the owner of Personal Best Personal Training in Hudson, Massachusetts. She is a former health club owner and has been teaching Yoga since 1997.…