Yesterday was the first of what I’m sure will be steamy summer days on the golf course and time for sun protection. Hot Steamy Golf? Time For Sun Protection on the Golf course.
The sun was blazing and I was beginning to sweat. Sunscreen helps, but when I found a pair of Eclipse sleeves in my bag, I was glad to have them. You’ve seen a lot of the pros wearing them? Especially the women with fair skin. They looked comfortable enough on the pros, so I thought I’d give them a try.
Want to learn more about the importance of Sun Protection when you play outdoors? Check out this great article from KayakGuru: Sun Protection Tips
I have to admit, the sleeves had been in my bag for a couple of months. I was wearing a jacket in the spring and didn’t need them. But now that the sun is high in the sky, it’s more than time to think sun protection. (In fact, according to my dermatologist, every day is a good day to protect your skin.) So I took them out and began to put them on.
I thought they might be a little hard to slide on since I had already put on sun screen, but — no problem. They just slid right on and immediately felt comfortable. In spite of the sun, I didn’t feel any hotter with them on, and the thumb hole kept them from sliding around. Easy to wear.
Sorry to say, I didn’t keep them on long. And not because I didn’t want to. As soon as one of the other women in my group saw the sleeves she wanted a pair for herself.
“I’ve been looking for something just like those sleeves!” I offered to let her try the pair and zap! She put them on and instantly fell in love with them. “I can wear these outside in the garden too!” she declared.
How could I take them back after that? So my friend now has a pair of Eclipse Glove sleeves to protect her skin from the elements, and I’m looking online for a new pair for me. 🙂
Luckily they are available at in a variety of colors a sizes. Price is $26.99 Think I’ll get a few to match my smashing golf duds.