Guest author, Audrey Clark, a freelance writer who focuses on golf, healthy living, and fitness training, just sent us this post. If you are one of those golfers who would rather ride than walk, read this for a little inspiration and incentive!
Give Yourself an Incentive to Walk the Links
If you are in the habit of riding a golf cart, walking the links can be viewed as a wearisome chore. However, many people from all walks of life greatly enjoy walking the golf course, and you can too. Here are some ideas that may change how you feel about passing on the cart and taking a stroll.
Various studies through the years have identified that walking can:
- Reduce symptoms of depression just as effective as anti-depressants, but without the negative side effects
- Help prevent memory loss in older individuals
- Make a person look and feel younger
- Enable you to sleep better at night
- Dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes
- Save you over $300 a year in health care costs
How to Enjoy Your Walk Remembering the statistics above definitely helps provide a good incentive for those who intend to walk the golf course on a regular basis. Below are some tips that will help you enjoy walking even more.
- First of all, make sure you have comfortable walking shoes. It is best to buy walking shoes in person instead of over the internet, as shopping in person allows you to try the shoes on and make sure they are a perfect fit. Keep in mind, however, that it will take a couple of days for you to get used to a new pair of shoes.
For this reason, it is a good idea to wear the shoes while running errands and going for short neighborhood walks before attempting to walk the length of the golf course with them. - Walking the links doesn’t have to be boring! If you find the scenery underwhelming, bring your MP3 player and play music as you walk. If fitness is your goal, purchase a fitness tracker and enjoy the game while keeping track of your steps and calories burnt. You could also use the time to mentally plan your work or time with your family. Some golfers find it helpful to use the time to mentally picture themselves playing; this can even help to increase your proficiency in the game.
- Be Social! Play golf with someone and chat as you walk. While golfing can be a great way to get alone with your thoughts, it is also a good opportunity to hang out with a friend, catch up on each other’s lives and/or get to know a new friend or colleague better. This idea works particularly well if the person you are playing golf with is also enthusiastic about walking or getting into shape.
You will likely get tired and discouraged the first few times you walk the golf course, especially if you are not in the habit of getting much physical exercise. However, keep in mind the points outlined above and do everything you can to motivate yourself to walk rather than take the cart. As you get in the habit of walking, you will soon find your walks transforming from an activity that you are pushing yourself to engage in, to an activity that you enjoy and look forward to.
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Do you walk or ride the golf course? Does your club require you to ride, no matter what? Add your comment in the space below.
And they say you play better when you walk.